Brens Rokku

Brens Rokku
Let's go party!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Okay it's a new day. I just sat in the lounge room for 5 hours straight watching Asian dramas. I'M NOT WATCHING BLOODY 'READY STEADY COOK' in the afternoon alright. So after being super bored and being super hungry. I was deciding what to do in the day. Every night I usually sleep at around 2-4am. Because I am now nocturnal. That isn't good for when school comes. OH GAYY! SCHOOOL! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Anyways let me whipe away these tears for a minute. Okay so back to what I was saying right. My sleeping pattern is pretty effed at the moment. Like I sleep at between 2-4am. Because that's what normal people do, nah I heard. I don't know. But I like to sleep that late. Or do you say early? Cos like it's early in the morning sort of thing. It's these questions that I ask myself that makes me think. I don't like to think. I like to blank out my brain and make images in my head. Dirty images. Of like dirty cars. Being cleaned of in the rain. SIFF! Woah I realised that I actually started writing this blog at around 3pm. And it will be finished almost 12 hours later! How cool is that!! Not really. But makes me happy to know that I did other things that writing. hehehe.. eff you. ANYWHO! So yeah I was sitting outside right getting some breeze into my pants. And then this really cold breeze came and I was like.. OHH CRAPP!!.. Coldest Breeze ever and my yeahh.. end of that one aye. If i continue I might need to put up an age restriction. Because people will 'Report Abuse', because like everyone does that when they are offended right! Anyway this blog is about wether or not I want to make youtube videos of myself. I probably don't but I usually do things that I don't want to do to annoy myself because I've done things I didn't want to do, you know?

Anyway, so like there are those youtube sensations who talk about crap ALL DAY LONG. I'm not that kind of sensation. I'm the cool sensation you get after you brush your teeth and you drink water straight away. I'm COOOOL. Not really, but I'm pretty awesome. So like then theres those people who do make up tutorials. LIKE HELLO! I can't do that crap because I might get stonned. And I don't know the difference between Mascara and Eye Liner. So that one will fail. Then there's the singing sensations. The people who do covers because they can't write songs. I am not like that, I write my own songs. But I don't sing them ofcourse, because I am highly shy. Anyway that pretty much leaves me with one other option right? PORN STAR! Should I be a porn star. Like i've had experience. Nah I haven't DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE BTW! I don't know. I might just talk about things like what I write about on my blog. Asking questions in which I ask 100 questions while doing so. And in the end not coming up with a reasonable answer. hehehe

It's time for Brens to go, It's time for Brens to Rokku - GO!

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